Does it offer a positive or Negative representation of British Muslims?
To what extent does it reinforce or challenge Said's theory of Oriental-ism- that the west is superior to the exotic or dangerous east?
For negtive representation the clip followed Fanon's theory of putting on a white mask as the Muslim girl changes her clothes outside from her traditional clothes into common English clothing such as jeans. She is a married woman but is unfaithful, possibly escaping Muslim lifestyle, a double life which includes hiding the change, her 'other life' and taking off her hijab to fit it which acts as a 'white mask'. She is seen in a car listening to English music while people from her religion are praying, she is with a white man for her western part of her day then goes to the pub with him, a place where she gets looked at in a disgusted or angry way by other people present, although she is getting a non-alcoholic drink the point of being there goes against what her family believe as she is unfaithful to her religion. White British culture puts British Muslims through a bad portrayal using medium close up reinforcing the shot of how they judge Muslims making the audience feel uneasy for her.
The negative representation shows the east as uncivilized through how the character of a Muslim man is presented as poor by eating out of a jar and using his hands which isn't something people are use to seeing as they have cutlery and proper balanced meals in comparison to scraping a finger inside the jar and licking it off. The uncivilized idea is supported through the man who is portrayed in this manner through several indications. He uses an outside cooker showing he doesn't have a working one, speaking in a different language when getting angry at a kid in a different language telling him to go away, he also seems to have no skills as he is working as a mechanic, it is a labor job which shows he is not educated as he doesn't have a skilled job.
Positive representations is also shown through the clip as we see a father and his son praying in the morning showing their religion and showing it is important. They are seen as calm and peaceful people as they were vandalized yet responded to the incident of the work 'Paki' on their shop shutters by acting calm and cleaning it off as if it didn't affect them emotionally.
The woman who was seen as negative for a portion dong things that seemed odd and shifty, bumped into the police on her way back and out right told the officer all her details, proving her innocence proving she is not a person who would do anything bad and appears to be friendly. She gave her details including her address, she came across as tolerant and didn't challenge the police officer as the stereotype of Muslims being terrorist causes suspicion and bad views by people from other religions
Said's theory focuses on the difference between west and eat, the way this 10 minute clip of one day supports it is by showing one person the woman, from one culture to another. The portrayal of two lifestyles of two cultures which reinforces the fact that there is a barrier where she switched between the two from being in the Muslim culture, western then back to Muslim again.
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