Many people use the internet to find out information, read up facts, to research about a particular person or topic. This advance searching opportunities allows us to find out more and be able to get a hold of more information however the accuracy and reliability is hard to believe. This article points out the obvious hoaxes that have come up in recent years repeatedly such as the supposed death of Morgan Freeman. The higher the follower count and the higher the number of retweets, the more likely followers would believe a post by that user. Users such as Willow Smith tweet absurd posts about trees being purple, etc to amplify the way people believe everything they read. This makes it harder for users to depend on social media for their news as it won't always be 100% true or accurate. People may have heard wrong, reacted in the wrong way or have changed the way the news is reported to get a different kind of angle on the story. Biggest problem the digital media face is who is reporting true facts and who is twisted or releasing hoaxes.
An example of twisted truth is the flappy bird app being taken down and the way the creator tweeted "I can't take this any more." leading people to assume he was committing suicide.
An example of twisted truth is the flappy bird app being taken down and the way the creator tweeted "I can't take this any more." leading people to assume he was committing suicide.
In the US a third of all adults under 30 are said to get their news from social media, with half of all Twitter users receiving their newsflashes in 140 characters.
Twitter is now an everyday news source for 55 per cent of opinion formers
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